Bandar Utama BU4, a community with 554 houses, has one of the lowest crime rate in Bandar Utama. But now BU4 is famous again for the wrong reason. There were >35 cases of dengue in BU4 from April to June 2008 and this is an alarming statistic.
Data wise, the dengue incidence rate (per 100,000 population) for Malaysia in 2006 was 64.37. The current dengue incidence rate in BU4 is >1,200. In another analogy, the probability of hitting the 4D first prize is 1/10,000, but the probability of getting a dengue fever in BU4 is 120/10,000.
MBPJ had been fogging and checking BU4 surrounding regularly recently. But most importantly, the residents must help to ensure that there is no aedes breeding grounds left in BU4. We cannot depend on MBPJ solely, it must be a joint effort in order to solve this epidemic. The gotong royong campaign tells it all.