Monday, July 14, 2008

Public Security

Star Monday July 14, 2008 MYT 12:44:24 PM

Massive jams, Syed Hamid says sorry (updated)

KUALA LUMPUR: Police roadblocks leading into the city caused massive jams throughout Monday morning, with Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar issuing an apology to the Malaysian public but reiterating that the police operations were undertaken in the interest of public security.

Very keen to know what's the meaning "public security".

Wordnet's definition of "public security":
S: (n) peace, public security (the general security of public places) "he was arrested for disturbing the peace"

Wikipedia's definition of "public security":
Public security is the function of governments which ensures the protection of citizens, organizations, and institutions against threats to their well-being – and to the prosperity of their communities.

My stances:

Yes (as per Wordnet's definition), agreed with our Home Minister approach to maintain the "public security" at Parliament, though at the inconvenient of the general public.

(as per Wikipedia's definition), disagreed with out Home Minister approach to deploy hundreds of police personnel to put up road blocks at the expense of the general public, when these police personnel can be better deployed to fight crime to ensure safety and security of the general public.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Green Road Home

Global warming is the most talkabout topic in the world nowadays, and most of the trees in the city are chopped in the name of development. From a tree jungle, city has become a concrete jungle.

However, very glad to find this "green road" on my way home from the KL city.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Easy To Bring A Company IPO?

The answer is "It's easy if you want to."

Out from the secondary school, lot of us are now working in the corporate world and some are up high in the corporate ladder. But there are a small bunch that are focusing in building up their own company.

Congratulations my friends, Phang Chee Leong, Wong Kok Woh and Fabian Looa. Proud of you all on the journey for bringing Innity IPO.